Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Hardy in Tooting

Keeping in theme with famous authors in London, it has come to my attention through Tomalin's enlightening biography on Hardy, that the masterful writer resided in Tooting for a time. Although I think the only people on this entire earth who would be interested to know are myself and my sister (former Tooting residents), and a handful of other Tooting inhabitants. It is too bad we were not aware of the fact before as the house is still there: 1 Arundel Terrace, Trinity Road. According to Tomalin, "There was nothing picturesque about it or its situation, but it was undoubtedly genteel" (174). Today, Tooting is still largely residential, with a main street of unattractive storefronts. However, Tooting is far more greener than the center of London, which is about 40 minutes away by bus and tube. It has been affected by some ugly 60's style buildings (namely Ani's multi-level Furzedown dorm), but the seemingly endless rows of houses are quite charming.
Hardy worked on A Laodicean during his three year residence in Tooting, which I've only just begun, but one is struck with it's immediate idyllic and rural mood.